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  The Holiday card is sponsored by the Ready or Not Foundation, a Texas 501(c)(3) charitable organization whose mission is dedicated to raising funds and awareness for pediatric brain cancer.  Since its inception, The Ready or Not Foundation has raised over $1,500,000.00 for pediatric brain cancer research.


How It Works:


    Shoppers purchase the Ready or Not Foundation’s Holiday Shopping Card for a minimum donation of $50 by cash, check or credit card payable to the Ready or Not Foundation.  They are then entitled to receive a 20% discount on regularly priced merchandise at participating merchants in South Texas from October 21 through October 31, 2021.

    Cards may be purchased by direct mail, online, by phone orders, or from a participating merchant.  Cards ordered by direct mail, online, or over the phone will be mailed first class to purchasers by October 26, 2017.  After that date, they may only be purchased directly from stores participating in the event or at our special Holiday Card location.


Best of all, the full $50 minimum donation is tax-deductible and goes directly to the Ready or Not Foundation to help in its mission to eliminate pediatric brain cancer, the leading cause of cancer death among children.  In addition, your donation is matched 2 for 1 by matching grants.  This means that your $50 donation brings in a total of $150 to the Ready or Not Foundation.


    The Holiday Shopping Card is a WIN/WIN concept that benefits every participant.


  • The customer receives a great discount on merchandise before the holidays.

  • Participating stores increase their traffic, sales, and exposure.

  • The Ready or Not Foundation receives much needed funding for pediatric     brain cancer research.


    Last year, the Ready or Not Foundation was able to raise in excess of $250,000.00 through Holiday Card sales, sponsorships, and matching grants.


    This precise sort of holiday shopping has proven a huge success (raising millions of dollars) in Dallas, Houston, Austin and San Antonio.  This year, we join these Texas cities on the same dates as we shop for a cause.  Please join the Ready or Not Foundation in bringing this success to South Texas.


    The Ready or Not Foundation and South Texas are prepared to make a difference with this fundraising event, but we need your help.  To demonstrate our commitment to raising funds for pediatric brain cancer research, the Ready or Not Foundation has a track record of contributing one hundred percent (100%) of its donations to research (and this unique accomplishment has been made possible by other generous underwriters).  To date, the Ready or Not Foundation has already raised and contributed more than $800,000.00 directly for brain cancer research, and these donations have triggered dollar for dollar matching contributions from two other foundations (that is, every dollar donated by the Ready or Not Foundation turns into two (2) dollars for research) yielding $1.5 million dollars in the last three (3) years.  For further details about the Ready or Not Foundation and these matching grants, please visit our website at .


About the Holiday Card


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